Our Leadership:

Leo Medvinsky

Leo Medvinsky

Chief Executive Officer

Personal Website
Luke Jannazzo

Luke Jannazzo

Chief Operating Officer

Personal Website
Jonathan Segefjord

Jonathan Segefjord

Chief Technology Officer

Personal Website

Our Team:

Jay Blavatt

Jay Blavatt

Vice President of Customer Success

Will Graham

Will Graham

Frontend Software Developer

Michael Wachsman

Michael Wachsman

Backend Software Developer

Alex Druzenko

Alex Druzenko

Software Developer

Sebastian Dash

Sebastian Dash

Operations Manager

Dylan Kucharski

Dylan Kucharski

Sales Manager

Advisory Board:

Luke Jannazzo

Luke Jannazzo

Chairman of the Board (COO, LX Aer)

Personal Website
Leo Medvinsky

Leo Medvinsky


Personal Website
Joseph Bove

Joseph Bove

President, Advanced Technology Corp.

Elaine Bergamini

Elaine Bergamini

Vice President/VADDS Product Manager, Advanced Technology Corp.

Travis Smith

Travis Smith

Principal, Ramapo High School

Jay Blavatt

Jay Blavatt

Fmr. Principal, Palm Beach Gardens Community High School

Early Adopters and Advisors:

Tom Witterschein

Tom Witterschein

Early Adopter

Erin Dittamo

Erin Dittamo

Early Adopter

Xojo Community Credits:

Xojo, Inc.


The Xojo language, IDE, and community.

Tim Parnell


Lifeboat, a Xojo application for deploying Xojo Web apps and managing Linux-based servers.

Andrew Lambert

MIT License

Xojo-OpenAI, a Xojo API for interacting with OpenAI.

Björn Eiriksson


Einhugur e-CryptIt Engine, a Xojo library for encryption.

Christian Schmitz


MonkeyBread Software plugins, libraries for expanding Xojo.

Marco Bambini


CubeSQL, a Xojo database management system to expand SQLite into a server.

Sam Rowlands


App Wrapper, a Xojo application for code signing and packaging apps for macOS.

Jeremie Leroy

Unlicense License

iOSDesignExtensions, a Xojo library for expanding Xojo iOS design capabilities.

Jason King

MIT License

iOSKit, a Xojo library for expanding the functionality of Xojo iOS apps.

Garry Pettet

MIT License

MarkdownKit, a Xojo library for parsing Markdown.

Software Credits:

Amanuel Tewolde

MIT License

JavaScript code for creating a QR code. Licensed under the MIT License.

SitePoint (Dmitri Lau, BeardScript)

Apache License 2.0

JavaScript code for scanning a QR code. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Lazar Laszlo

Apache License 2.0

JavaScript code for decoding a QR code. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Tristen Edwards

MIT License

SweetAlert, a JavaScript library for showing alerts. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Sergiu Sandor

MIT License

vanilla-tilt.js, a JavaScript library for adding tilt effects to glass cards.

Aakash Chakravarthy

MIT License

Socializer, a CSS library for social media buttons.

Fonticons, Inc. (DOING BUSINESS AS Font Awesome)

MIT License

FontAwesome, a CSS library for icons.

David DeSandro

MIT License

Card Flip, a library for card flip animations.

Digital Bazaar, Inc.

BSD License

Forge, a JavaScript library for encryption.